In accordance with media law § 25

Economic Chamber of Carinthia / Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten
Europaplatz 1
9021 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

P +43 5 90 904 0
F +43 5 90 904 704
E wirtschaftskammer

Authorised representative: Jürgen Mandl, MBA, President

Mission Statement

Representation of interests, information and advisory support of the members as legal representation.

Direction of the Website (Editorial philosophy)

Achieving the aims of the mission statement.

Notices and disclaimers is a project of the Austrian Federal Economic Chambers and their organisations.

Technical constraints inherent to the internet mean that we are unable to guarantee the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of information published online. We are also unable to accept liability for the availability or operation of this homepage and its content.

We cannot accept any liability for indirect, direct or other damages, regardless of the cause, arising from the use or unavailability of the data and information on this homepage, in accordance with the law of the land.

The content of this homepage is protected by copyright. The information is intended for personal use. Any other use, in particular the saving of information in databases, copying and all forms of commercial use, as well as the transfer of information to a third party – including extracts or modified content – is forbidden unless the express permission of the appropriate organisation has been granted. Some of the content on this platform has been made available by our content partners.

We welcome links to, however we ask you to refrain from displaying individual pages of our site in external frames.

A note on gender

The language used on this site, and in the documents you can download from it, should be understood as non-gender-specific. The phrase “businessman”, for example, is intended to encompass both men and women, so far as this is appropriate to the context. We refrain from writing out male and female forms in full purely in the interests of readability.

Enterprise Europe Network

Copyright 2020 – 2025 Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten
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